“Frances Slocum: Child of Two Americas,” is the true story of a remarkable American woman. Frances was abducted at the age of five during the American Revolution. The Slocum Family looked for 60 years and found her in 1837 living as a prosperous Miami Indian matriarch.
The historically accurate account of the capture, life and times of Frances Slocum or Maconaquah, as she was known, was carefully researched and compiled by professional educators. It was scored with hauntingly beautiful original music and adaptations of Native American music. Additional music was provided by the Twigh Twee Singers, Miami Indian Nation of Indiana.
Locations include the site of Frances Slocum’s 1778 abduction in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and her home among the Miami Indians near Peru and Wabash, Indiana.
Frances Slocum dvd